Bathing, Showering And Spa For De-stressing

Showers on the other hand, tend to be more invigorating and a popular way to help wake up in the mornings. But findings have shown that showering can also help to increase the heart rate and blood flow improving circulation. Try beginning your shower warm and gradually reducing the temperature to cool for a more refreshing and stimulating experience; this is also a great way to cool down in hot summer months. Exfoliating in the shower is beneficial too and is better than in the bath where loosened skin cells stay in the water. Use a salt scrub or a loofah to give your skin a thorough exfoliation but massage in a moisturiser afterwards to avoid having your skin feel taut.

If you are lucky enough to own a home spa or a bubble jet bath, this is the perfect opportunity to create a truly relaxing and beautifying treat. The actions of the jets or bubbles are thought to have a benefit in helping cellulite by increasing circulation and lymphatic drainage in stubborn areas such as hips and thighs, which in turn helps to rid the body of toxins. They also act to massage the body, which can be intensely relaxing and soothing, particularly after exercise where you may have a few aches and pains. Try to maintain good hygeine practices around your bathing areas. Showers, baths and spas are notorious germ traps, particularly if it is a shared facility. You can remove any hard water deposits with a solution of white vinegar and water, and you should always leave your shower door open to allow air to circulate, discouraging the build-up of germs and mildew. Remove any trapped hair from the drain holes, and always wipe down the area with a disinfectant-based cleaning product.

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