Yoga – Cleansing Breath (Kapalbhati) – Bee Breath (Brahmari)

More Yoga Asanas For Dynamic Vitality:

4. Cleansing Breath (Kapalbhati):
i. This cleanses the entire respiratory system and freshens the skin. It also strengthens the muscles of the abdomen and aids digestion. It is considered so cleansing that its Sanskrit name means “making your skull shine”. If you practise it everyday your face should shine with health.
ii. Sit with your back straight and breathe out hard in a series of short sharp exhalations through the nose. Tighten your stomach muscles as you breathe out, squeezing air out of your lungs. You won’t need to make any effort to breathe in: when you relax the stomach muscles air will flow into the lungs naturally. After the tenth inbreath, breathe out for as long as you can and try to empty the lungs. Take a few normal breaths before doing another set.

5. Bee Breath (Brahmari): This is a relaxing technique that can send even insomniacs to sleep. It can also give you a deliciously sexy voice, release tension in the throat that causes harshness or squeakiness.
i. Sit upright, close your eyes and let a long outbreath lead naturally to a long inhalation. Breathing through your nose, make a continuous humming sound each time you breathe out. Relax and let it become a deep, rich sound. Focus your mind on this sound, which should continue the whole time you’re breathing out.

6. The Corpse (Savasana): Just as it sounds: lie on your back, arms by your sides with palms upwards and legs outstretched. Relax and let your feet roll outwards as your head seems to sink into the floor. If this makes your lower backache, bend your knees upwards.

Tips: – If you become dizzy you’ve been breathing in too deeply. Give a long outward breath, then breathe in and out of a paper bag a few times to re-establish the correct levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
– Remember to use counter-poses: If you do a strenuous asana such as the Eagle, follow it with something gentle like the Child. Any pose that involves a movement to the right or left should be carried out in pairs, so that both sides of the body get equal benefit and stay in balance.

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