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Body Care

Cracked Heel: How does it develop; What are the Common Symptoms and Causes of Cracked Heels: Cracked heel is not just something that looks ugly, but is also a matter of health concern, since it can invite various other associated issues. However, in some cases though, this problem doesn’t seem to... (Read more)

Sleep Deeply Every Night For A Fit And Beautiful Body: Sleep deprivation is a serious medical risk, but few people are aware of that. A spate of studies is turning up clear links between inadequate sleep and obesity, as well as several related conditions: heart... (Read more)

Massage To Beat Stress: Self Massage And Tension Release: It isn’t always necessary to visit a therapist or rely on someone else for a stress-busting massage. There are many massage techniques that can be applied to oneself that are... (Read more)

Fighting Pain: Have you woken up in the middle of the night with a toothache or curled up in bed with PMS cramps? Pain is an essential part of life, but can be reduced. Here are some... (Read more)

Body Hygiene: Body Hygiene For Teenagers: Puberty can cause all kinds of changes in your body. Suddenly you might find that one day your hair and scalp have become oily. You might find that you are growing... (Read more)

Body Facts

101Beauty salonWalking With Your Baby: A 30-minute walk every day will keep you fit during your pregnancy…

Bath And Body: The healing power of water has been used in beauty therapy for years…

Benefits Of Weightloss: Maintaining healthy body weight is important for maintaining both physical and emotional well-being and preventing disease. Excess weight and obesity have been associated with an increased risk for numerous medical conditions like heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, some types of cancer and elevated blood cholesterol…

Get Your Child Off The Couch: If children are overweight by the time they are three years old, they’ll find it hard to lose weight later as fat cells are already formed…

Body Basics

101Beauty salonBody Hygiene: Basic body cleanliness tips to ward off body odor and fight germs…

Fight Off Osteoporosis: What is Osteoporosis? Do you need to be worried about it? Can you prevent it?

Body Problems And Solutions: Eye Problems, Neck Problems, Back Aches, Sore Throat, Headaches, Arthritis, Anaemia, Body Odor and many more common body problems and their solutions…

How To Choose The Right Clothing: Choose the correct fitting clothes as per season and fashion…

A Guide To Your Breasts: Women have a complex relationship with their breasts. We check them out to see if they look good in a certain sweater or a favourite tee shirt, and we search, often in vain, for the bathing suit that makes them look their best…

Featured Articles

101Beauty salonMassage And Common Ailments: Many conditions may be helped by either a full-body massage, or massage of the affected part. This article suggests remedies for many common afflictions, but remember that if you are at all unsure about the advisability of undertaking a massage, consult a physician…

What Is A Body Treatment? : A body treatment, spa treatment, or cosmetic treatment is a non-medical procedure to help the health of the body. It includes exfoliation, facials,
massage, detoxification, waxing, pedicures and manicures, baths or
sauna, yoga etc…

Meditation For Mental Well Being: Used commonly as a relaxation technique, meditation in its varying forms is the practice of focusing the mind…

Body Skin Care: Body skincare includes face, arms, elbow, knees, legs and ankles which surely have different textures…

Body Fitness

101Beauty salonBody Fitness Regimes: Finding an exercise that you like and you feel able to do at least two or three times a week for between 20 minutes and one hour is important. It is much, much harder to find the motivation to keep active if you don’t particularly enjoy what you do. Check out what your local leisure or community centres have to offer. Most will have classes to suit everyone at any life stage, including pregnancy and old age.

Benefits Of Pilates: Pilates can benefit everyone, whatever your age or fitness level. Although you will get stronger all over, one of the main benefits of Pilates is to increase core strength. This is a phrase that is used a great deal in Pilates, and it refers to the important abdominal and back muscles at your center that support your whole body whether moving or at rest…

Yoga Therapy: Yoga caters to the needs of each individual according to his or her specific needs and physical condition. They involve cyclical, vertical and horizontal movements, which provide energy to the system by directing the blood supply to the areas of the body which need it the most. The mind is naturally active and dynamic…

Tackling Problem Areas: Very few people are able to say honestly that they are totally happy with their body. All the perceived “flaws” can be improved or disguised. Trouble spots such as hips, thighs, stomachs and buttocks are notoriously stubborn to shift, but it is possible to alter your outline with a combination of diet and exercise…

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