Treatment Of Dandruff

Serious Dandruff:

Excessive dandruff especially of the sticky type, can be the precursor to more serious problems of the scalp like seborrheic dermatitis or psoriasis. This sort of dandruff will usually be persistent, long standing and resistant to home treatments or routine anti-dandruff shampoos. One needs to consult a dermatologist to tackle this.

Treatment Of Dandruff:
Home Remedies:

  • Fenugreek seeds are excellent in treating dandruff. Soak them overnight, make a paste, apply on the scalp for 20 minutes and then wash off with shampoo. Do this twice a week to keep your scalp clean as well as to condition your hair.
  • Hot steam bath is beneficial for the hair and scalp. Massage hot oil and wrap a hot damp towel on the head for a few minutes.
  • Immerse peels of lemon in coconut oil for 8-10 days in the sunshine. Now sieve and apply on the hair. Hair will be dandruff free.
  • Mix the juice of half a lemon with 2 teaspoonfuls of olive or almond oil. Massage for 10 minutes then wash with a shampoo.
  • Mash beetroot leaves in henna paste and apply on the head to prevent dandruff and hair fall.
  • Boil a handful of neem leaves in 4 cups of water. After cooling and filtering, use it for rinsing hair.

Dandruff Shampoos:
Dandruff can be kept at bay by using shampoos that contain selenium sulfide or zinc oxide that contain active ingredients to fight dandruff. Severe dandruff will benefit from shampoos containing ketoconasole, as this is an anti-fungal that acts against the yeast-like fungus that causes seborrheic dermatitis. Shampoos and conditioners containing tea tree oil are also found to be effective as tea tree oil is a natural ant-fungal agent. So, get set this winter to rid yourself of the white flakes, the right way.

Dandruff Myths Busted:

  • Dandruff only affects dry scalp: This is so untrue. It can affect all kinds of scalps.
  • It can spread through sharing of combs, brushes and pillows: Not true. Dandruff is internal in nature.
  • Stress causes dandruff: Stress only aggravates dandruff, never causes it.
  • Poor hygiene causes dandruff: Even if you have the best hygiene habits in the world, there are a number of factors beyond your control that can cause dandruff.
  • Dandruff sorts itself out: Not at all. It should be treated immediately, as it not only is a social embarrassment but may signify some other scalp condition.
  • It is a myth that hair with dandruff does not need conditioning, once again, look for a specific anti-dandruff product that contains active ingredients to help fight against it. Some good bacteria on the scalp naturally fights against dandruff. Chemical hair dyes can destroy the good bacteria, so try to avoid colouring until your dandruff is well under control.

Make sure that your diet is a healthy one and includes white meat or fish, fresh fruits and raw vegetables. If dandruff persists, visit your doctor.

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