Post Exercise Care

More Cooling Down Exercises:

Cooling And Relaxation Sequence:

The type and sequence of the cooling down are as follows:

9. Ardhakurmasan Or The Long Bowing Pose: Kneel down with the upper part of the feet touching the floor and your hips resting on your insteps. Now extend your hands straight above your head. Without lifting your hips from your feet, bend down and touch your forehead to the floor with your hands extended on the floor above your head. Relax your entire body, breathe from your lower abdomen and stay in the position for half a minute to two minutes.

10. Savasana Or Dead Man’s Pose: Lie down on your back with the arms by the side. Close your eyes and make a conscious effort to relax the whole body focusing on each part one by one. Move your awareness to your toes, slowly moving up to the thighs and to the hips. Move onto the hands, the forearms, biceps, triceps and the shoulders. Next, focus on your spine and imagine your vertebrae loosening up one by one starting from the bottom. Then move your awareness to the chest and the abdomen and let go of all your muscles one by one. Feel your entire body loosen up and imagine all your body parts as being completely passive and resting. Counting your breath helps the mind from straying into mundane problems. To come out of savasana, wiggle your toes, your fingers, move your limbs about slowly, then slowly open your eyes and get into a sitting position before getting up.

Post Exercise Care – More Cooling Down Exercises 

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