Yoga – Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana)

Yoga Asanas To Stimulate Circulation Without Exhausting The Body:

More Asanas:

3. Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana):
This useful asana revitalizes the complexion, tones the leg muscles, calms nerves and reduces vata energy.
i. Stand in Mountain pose, then move your feet shoulder-width apart. Breathe in and raise both arms above your head with palms facing in, feeling the spine stretch upwards.
ii. Breathe out as you bring your torso and arms slowly forward in a straight line, hinging from the hips and (to keep your back flat) leading with the chest. Go down as far as you can without straining your back. Keep the movement controlled to avoid harming your back, and bend your knees if necessary. Stay down as long as you feel comfortable, upto 30 seconds, breathing naturally, then, on an inbreath, bend your knees and unroll your spine vertebra by vertebra to come slowly up.

4. The Child (Murha Janusasana):
As well as improving circulation to the face and head, this is a very relaxing pose that eases the spine, making iit ideal to follow more strenuous asanas.
i. Kneel on the floor, sitting on your hels with legs together, arms relaxed by your sides and spine erect. As you breathe in, stretch your spine upwards as if pulled by a string from the top of your head and feel your chest and diaphragm expanding.
ii. Breathing out, bring your body forwards face first, hinging from the hips without hunching the back. Bring your head down onto your knees or the floor in front. Rest your arms beside your body, palms up, on top of your feet if you can reach that far. Breathe naturally and feel your spine relax. This is a relaxation pose that you can hold for a couple of minutes, as long as you feel comfortable, before coming slowly up.

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