
Detox Diets

Detoxification is done through many methods, sauna, fasting, vitamin therapy, colon therapy and through detox diets. Detox diets include organic healthy fruits and vegetables which remove environmental and dietary toxins from the body for general health. Detox diets usually suggest that fruits and vegetables compose a majority of one’s food intake. Limiting this to unprocessed foods is often advocated. Eliminating alcohol is also a major factor, and drinking more water is similarly recommended. Detox dietS may also include liver cleansing improving the body’s immunity, and helping to establish a healthy body weight. The detox diet may also involve colon cleansing, which mends vital organs within the body. The colon is a vital organ that suffers the most abuse in the body from dietary habits. These liver detox diets and colon cleansing diets allow for not only general health but weight loss as well.

What Is A Detox Diet Plan:
A detox Diet Plan allow you to get rid of body toxins at the same time eliminating foods from the diet that require detoxification or are allergenic and supplying the body with necessary nutrients during the detox program. Following a detox diet plan is a good way to rid your body of toxins. It can lead to a greater feeling of well-being and contribute to weight loss. However, it is best to be cautious when following a detox diet plan. See your doctor first if you have any concerns and choose a detox diet plan that allows a greater variety of foods.

Detox Diet Foods:

Allowed Foods: There are a number of foods you can indulge in while on a detox diet. These include fruits, vegetables, rice, chickpeas, fish, oil, and herbal tea. While following the diet, you’ll also need to drink eight glasses of water in order to eliminate waste from the blood. However, you should not drink immediately before or after your meals. You should also make sure that you chew your food thoroughly in order to promote proper digestion.
Not-allowed Foods: There are also a number of foods that you will have to give up. These include sugar, milk, eggs, wheat products, gluten, and caffeine-filled beverages. You must also avoid foods with preservatives, yeast, chocolate, and anything that is high in fat.

Methods To Modify Your Diet To A Detox Diet:
A list of methods to modify the diet for the purpose of detoxification includes:
1.Eliminating foods that are hard on metabolism, such as caffeine, alcohol, processed food (incl. any bread), pre-made or canned food, salt, sugar, wheat, red meat, pork, fried and deep fried food, yellow cheese, cream, butter and margarine, shortening, etc., while focusing on pure foods such as raw fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, raw nuts and seeds, fish, vegetable oils, herbs and herbal teas, water, etc.
2.Raw foodism where everything is consumed in its unprocessed form and fresh.
3.Fasting, including water fasting and juice fasting
4.Increased consumption of fish
5.Food Combining – The most important rule of food combining is not to mix at the same meal carbohydrate-rich foods such as bread, cereals, carrots, beetroot and protein-rich foods such as meat, milk, eggs, beans, nuts and seeds. Another important rule is to always eat fruit alone and wait 20-30 minutes before eating another meal so that the fruit has time to pass through the stomach, since fruit does not require to be digested in the stomach with the help of gastric juice.
6.Calorie Restriction
7.Herbal detox
8.Master Cleanse, also known as the lemonade diet.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Detox Diet:
Advantages: Detox diets do encourage some good habits such as eating more fruit and vegetables, drinking more water and cutting down on junk food and processed foods. Plus they encourage you to cut back on caffeine and alcohol – all good habits to get into. They also help you to think about what you’re eating and can be quite motivating as you take charge of your health. Experts also say that any benefits that are seen can be easily explained. Fewer headaches, for example, are probably the result of being fully hydrated due to drinking so much water and better skin may be due to eating more antioxidant-packed fruit and veg. Cellulite may well improve if you pay more attention to your thighs and bottom by body brushing these areas and less bloating is probably due to the fact that you feel ‘empty’ much of the time!

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Disadvantages: Detox diet does not provide all of the nutrients that our body requires. People who go on detox diets will generally need to limit activities and rest as the detox process is going on. For that reason, it is not suggested as a long-term solution. The longer you go on a detox cleansing diet, the longer your body will be without the nutrients it needs. Most experts also say that strict detox diets followed in the long term, can lead to nutrient deficiencies and health problems associated with this. For example, by eliminating dairy products from your diet, it’s very hard to meet nutrition needs for calcium, a mineral that’s needed for strong bones and teeth. And in the long term, a deficiency of calcium can lead to osteoporosis or brittle bone disease in later life.


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