When should you Eat to Manage your Weight and Burn your Calories

How many Calories should you eat on average While an average man should consume around 2,500 calories through their daily food in order to maintain weight, and about 2,000 calories, if he is willing to lose one pound per week,... (Read more)

Eating And Exercising

While there are some advantages to working out on an empty stomach, such as the ability to burn more calories, this approach has been treated with extreme caution. Any existing illnesses, such as diabetes, low blood pressure problems or high... (Read more)

General Diet Tips

Diet Tips To Gain Weight: In order to gain weight in a healthy order, it is important to to chalk out a good diet plan that includes at least 5 to 6 healthy nutrient dense meals instead of 2 to... (Read more)


Detox DietsDetoxification is done through many methods, sauna, fasting, vitamin therapy, colon therapy and through detox diets. Detox diets include organic healthy fruits and vegetables which remove environmental and dietary toxins from the body for general health. Detox diets usually... (Read more)

Vegan Diet

A vegan diet is one that includes only a vegetarian diet, which means the exclusion of meat non veg food items, and other animal products and the by products such as eggs , dairy products and honey. Therefore anything of... (Read more)

Special Diet During Pregnancy

Vitamins and Mineral requirements during pregnancy:Fat is really essential in order to help the body to process fat soluble vitamins such as Vitamin A, D, E, and K and it is believed that vegetable fat is more beneficial to the... (Read more)

Diabetic Diet

Diabetes is a condition which is caused when the sugar which is converted into a simpler substance called glucose and is not absorbed by the cells due to the lack of insulin in the body that is created from the... (Read more)

Balanced Diet For adults

The human body requires all the nutrients that are available in the different food groups, as our bodies are subjected to constant wear and tear, the repair of body tissue is a continuing process in our bodies. No particular kind... (Read more)

Balanced Diet For Teens

Teenagers are advised to eat grains, vegetables, fruits, milk, meat and beans, and oils. Teenagers should consume a variety of vegetables and that over half of the grains consumed should be whole-wheat. In addition half a cup of vegetables and... (Read more)

Balanced Diet For Children

While planning out a good diet for children , it is essential to remember that one must take care of the child’s cognitive as well as physical growth. Milk is essential for calcium and can be given various flavours which... (Read more)

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