Pilates Workouts

One Leg Stretch:
Do not be fooled into thinking that this is a relaxing leg stretch – it is actually a very challenging movement which builds core strength and is also good for improving co-ordination. Keep your hips still throughout as if they were being held in a vice. Take care not to curve your spine, and keep your shoulder blades pulled down your spine and close to the back of your ribs throughout. IF you find the hand position difficult, you can hold both sides of your knees. Do not over grip or hold tightly as this will cause tension in the neck and jaw area. Your upper body should get stability from your abdominal muscles.
Purpose: To strengthen abdominals and improve co-ordination.
Target Muscles: Abdominals, stabilizing back muscles.
Repetitions: Repeat 10 times on each leg.

First Position:
1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Your spine should be in neutral and your head in alignment. Do not shorten your neck by tipping your head back or dropping your chin to your chest. Draw the navel to the spine.
2. Lift one foot off the floor, keeping the knee bent, and pull the leg gently towards you, supporting it at the knee. Try not to over grip, causing tension in the neck, and keep your foot in line with your knee. Take care not to let the ribs flare up. Repeat with the other leg, inhaling as you lift and exhaling as you lower.
– Hollow your tummy throughout
– Keep the hips still.

Second Position:
Once you understand the first position, curl the upper body off the floor and continue the same movement. Let the chin fall towards the chest, and try to limit tension in the neck. Keep the hips very still, controlling any movement from the hips via your abdominals. Breathe laterally. Keep the stomach hollowed throughout the movement, trying to make it as flat as possible.
– Do not tip the head forward or back
– Watch for tension in the neck.

Third Position:
This position really challenges your co-ordination. As you raise the right leg, place the right hand on the ankle and the left hand on the inside of the knee. Change hands as you change legs. As one leg comes in to the body other other leg lifts and lengthens away on an exhalation. Keep your toes pointed and stretch down through the straight leg. The movement is controlled by the abdominals, keep them hollowed, and maintain the distance between the ribs and hips. Do not twist the hips, imagine they are being held in a vice. Keep the pace slow and consistent.
– Pull the shoulder blades down your spine close to the back of your ribs.
– Lengthen the legs away
– The lower your straight leg, the harder your abdominals have to work.

Pilates Workouts 

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