5 of the Common Eye Makeup Mistakes and Tips on how to avoid them

Mistake #1: Eyes with too much Shadow

Eyes are probably the first focus point of one’s face since most human interactions begin with an eye contact. So, you need to make sure that you take your own time to beautify it. So, in order to stay safe from eye shadow overload and make yourself look messy, make sure you wear your eye makeup in bright light and check yourself properly in your mirror before leaving home.

Tip #1

You should keep in mind that eyeshadows need to be applied in moderation, and run your brushstrokes according to the shape of your eyes. It is even more important to remember that, you must never use your fingers to apply eyeshadows, no matter how much hurry you are in. Always use the right kind of brushes when it comes to applying a makeup on your eyes.

Mistake #2: Startling Contact Lenses

It’s again about the eyes – probably the brightest part of your face, and probably the first thing that catches others’ attention. Many people have an affinity for various kinds of contact lenses. However, in many cases (even for celebrities) a pair of dark green or light blue eyes looking at you might suddenly give you an instant shock, until you understand that the beholder is actually wearing a pair of such contact lenses that has rendered such a ghostly look.

Tip #2

You can avoid such a shocking look if you have the right knowledge of choosing your contact lenses in colors that match with both your persona, as well as your skin tone. This means, your lenses should not be too light or odd-colored. You should also remember that, if your eye balls are naturally light in color, try not to use too many colors when you make up your eyes.

Mistake #3: Eyebrows not groomed

Ungroomed eyebrow, in general, is a strict no-no. Kids and teenage girls might look good in uneven or bushy brows. However, for ladies who want to flaunt themselves in the best stylish way, it is advisable that they trim their eyebrows neatly.

Tip #3

Do make sure that you do not skip looking into your mirror to check if your brows are curved or arched properly, as also, properly lined. This, however, doesn’t mean that you need to chop the brow hairs. What we mean is, simply make sure that your eyebrows are tidily set and are symmetrical to each other.

Mistake #4: Ignoring Eye Primer

The function of eye primer is to help eye shadow colors adhere so that the hues will be truer and stay much longer. Basically, eye primer is a part of the entire eye makeup that has the ability to settle into the crease of your eyes, as well as those many fine lines so that your eye makeup doesn’t look unnatural or imposed. That’s what the primary function of the eye primer is.

Tip #4

We advise, never skip using an eye primer as the first step to your eye makeup. When you visit the cosmetic store, choose an eye primer that has hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid. This will help in plumping the skin under your eyes, and thus, create a smooth base for applying your eye concealer and eye shadow.

Mistake #5: Sticking heavy or too many Lashes

Many women crave for too many false eyelashes, or even larger-than-life lashes, not knowing that such lashes are dense or long enough to overshadow the normal width of the eyes, eventually causing them look too small. Not just that, such lashes can even make your eyelids appear heavy.

Tip #5

So, if you want a bright-eyed, elegant look, go for a wispy set with natural length and density, while if you would like to have a customized effect, you can go for single eyelashes.

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