How To Tackle Cellulite

There are dozens of products around designed to deal with cellulite, but it is debatable how effective they really are. To actually tackle the problem effectively you should attempt to follow a three-pronged approach, combining:
— Circulation-boosting tactics
— Diet
— Exercise

1. Boost Your Circulation:
Here are several ways to boost your circulation and your lymphatic system. Whichever one you choose, aim to follow it for at least 5 minutes a day.
— Use a soft body brush on damp or dry skin. Brush the skin in long sweeping movements over the affected area, and make sure you are working in the direction of the heart.
— Use a massage glove or rough sisal mitt in the same way as above.
— Use a cellulite cream. These usually contain natural ingredients such as horse chestnut, ivy and caffeine to boost your circulation. However, you can make them doubly effective by massaging them thoroughly into the skin with your fingertips. Some cellulite creams even come with their own plastic or rubber hand-held mitts to help boost the circulation.

Make Your Own Cellulite Cream:
Aromatherapy has been found to be very effective for treating cellulite. There are a number of ready-blended oils on the market, but you can easily make your own. Simply add two drops each of rosemary and fennel essential oils to 1 tbsp carrier oil, such as almond oil. Massage this mixture thoroughly into the affected areas and try to do this every day.

Cellulite Treatments:
1. Mesotherapy:There’s only one medical treatment proven to reduce or eliminate cellulite – Mesotherapy. Although many products purport to treat cellulite, most are merely massage machines and creams that do little (or nothing) to improve your appearance. Mesotherapy gets results by targeting the underlying causes of cellulite – not just the outward symptoms. Although it’s easily treated with a few Mesotherapy sessions in its early stages, once cellulite progresses to more advanced stages, treatment usually requires a greater number of Mesotherapy sessions. Mesotherapy can eliminate cellulite on the legs and buttocks, breaking down the orange-peel appearance of skin, and producing a smooth contour. The average patient eliminates all visible cellulite in 10-25 sessions. Some patients require additional treatments if their cellulite is particularly severe. Mesotherapy is completely safe when performed by a well-trained physician.
2. Endermologie: Endermologie is one of the most popular treatments for cellulite it uses a motorized machine that has rollers that lift, stretch, spin and suck the skin. The treatment loosens the connective tissues that gives fat and skin that bumpy texture. It improves the circulation and helps make the skin appear smoother.
3. Spa Cellulite Treatments: Several Body Contouring Programs combines personalized diet, topical lotions, muscle stimulation, inflatable leg boots, body wraps, and rollers to tone and firm thighs and break down cellulite. Although these are expensive, but these are simple procedures which help in reducing cellulite.

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4. Workouts With Pilates: A cellulite reduction work out program incorporating targeted leg workouts, toning, and cardio and strength training along with Pilates works wonders at toning and smoothing thighs and buttocks.
5. Velashape: VelaShape™ is the first and only FDA-cleared, non-surgical, alternative for cellulite and circumference reduction. The secret behind VelaShape is elos™- a unique technique that combines powerful energies to reduce the volume and appearance of fat tissues. With VelaShape™, you can be treated for Circumferential Reduction on the thighs and Cellulite Treatment on thighs, buttocks, love handles and abdomen.

Anti-Cellulite Diet 

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