Fade Out Dark Under Eye Circles – Dermal Fillers – Mesotherapy – Thread Therapy

Make-up To The Rescue:
Brighten, Lighten, Tighten. That’s the magic code. The concealer is your best friend; dab lightly with your ring finger below the eyes and on the points of your nose next to the inner eye. Don’t press or rub too hard and don’t over-apply for it will only draw unwanted attention to the area. A concealer with a yellow base works best as it reflects more light. Opt for a shade lighter than your normal coloring if the dark circles are blue-black. Or go for a shade darker if the region around your eyes is prone to puffiness. Skip the mascara on the lower lashes; any drip will only add to the dark circles. Protect your eyes from the sun when out; sunglasses will keep you from squinting repeatedly. Remove all eye make-up including kohl before you retire.

Dermal Fillers:
If you have a sunken set of eyes, the problem of dark circles is spotlighted even more. In this case the tear trough or the deep skin fold that virtually links our eye to our face has to be plumped up using dermal fillers. Hydration is the key here since our under eye area is bereft of moisture. Make a good under eye cream or gel a part of your daily routine from the early teens itself as the physiological aging of our skin starts visibly at 25 years of age.

Fat Grafting:
Also known as Facial Fat Rejuvenation, this involves the transfer of fat from another part of the body to the under eye area. Surplus fat is meticulously extracted from the buttocks or thighs, processed and then injected under the eyes for a smoother texture. This implant necessarily functions as a filler and is also commonly employed to plump up mouth to nose folds, lips, cheeks, temples and chins.

This one is most effective in both men and women of all ages, especially in cases of pigmented skin that forms the rings. A special medicine is injected into the under eye bags to dissolve the fat. What you get is lighter, tighter skin.

Thread Therapy:
Threads are inserted from the sides of the hairline and then gradually passed through the muscles surrounding the eyes in a semi-circular fashion. This process gives your skin a lift, doing away with the hollow appearance of the under eye area. It helps lighten the area visibly.

Glycolic Acid Lotions:
Used in low strengths, they are applied to the under eye area as part of a monitored treatment under the care of a proficient dermatologist. It is most effective when the darkening has just begun.

Laser Therapy:
Bio laser beams are technology’s latest take on creating a visible, brightening effect under the eyes. They improve the wrinkled and puffy texture, hydrate and lighten this part of your face.

Last Option:
If all else fails, one can turn towards corrective surgery, to redeem oneself from the curse of the dark circles.

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