More Power Foods To Heal Diabetes


Why You Should Eat Them: Fruits are loaded with vitamins and of course have no fat or cholesterol. Many people with diabetes imagine that because fruits are sweet, they will raise blood sugar. The fact is, nearly all fruits – apples, cherries, oranges, peaches, pears and most others have low GI. The exceptions are watermelon and pineapple.
What To Do: Keep apples, oranges and other low-GI fruits on hand. Have a bowl of fruits in the refrigerator for an instant snack that’s ready when you get home. Dried fruits are acceptable – surprisingly their GIs are not necessarily higher than those of fresh fruits – but because their water has been removed, it is easy to take in far more calories; so it pays to favour the fresh varieties.

Why You Should Eat Them: Lentils are all around good guys to add to your diet and in soup form they offer an added perk: people who precede lunch with a serving of soup, consume 100 fewer calories at the meal.
What To Do: Lentils assert themselves in the form of a hearty and healthful soup. Make sure to use them often.

Green Tea:
Why You Should Drink This: Green tea is loaded with anti-oxidants and polyphenols. Together they ensure that your heart keeps ticking right. It keeps your blood pressure in control as well – a big concern for diabetics.
What To Do: Drink it whenever you can. In the morning, after lunch or when you are peckish in the evening, just don’t add sugar. Many good brands are available for you to select from.

Brown Rice:
Why You Should Eat Them: In countries where wholegrains such as brown rice are staples, diabetes is much less common. Wholegrains are filling (so you end up eating less) but have very little fat and no cholesterol. Brown rice has a GI of only 50.
What To Do: Most people have never tasted a properly prepared bowl of brown rice. The trick is to select brown rice,toast it slightly and cook it like pastas, using what may seem like too much water and draining away the excess in the end. Remember it takes longer time to cook – soak it before you cook and steam for longer.

Why You Should Eat Them: Another of the good-for-you wholegrains, barley has a low GI, wonderful taste, texture and lots of soluble fibre that reduces cholesterol levels.
What To Do: Barley shines in soups or when served as ab aide dish. You can mix it with brown rice and cook together. Or soak barley overnight and prepare a quick salad.

When Cooking:
Make small changes to your cooking habits and you will be surprised with the results you get.
Use Herbs And Spices freely to season your food and desserts instead of the regular butter and sugar. Season food with cinnamon, cloves and bay leaves. Herbs have lots of nutrients in the form of anti-oxidants that you can make use of. Cinnamon has a natural flavour and a sweet taste. It can be used to sweeten your tea and desserts.
Use Skimmed Milk or a double-toned variety instead of whole milk for tea and coffee. In the process of skimming, the fat layer of the milk is taken away.
Eat And Use Only Egg Whites instead of the whole egg. Two egg whites can replace one whole egg. Egg yolk is high in cholesterol.
Select More Of Chicken and fish-based dishes over mutton, pork and beef – chicken and fish have lower saturated fat. Moreover, fish is an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids that help in controlling blood sugar spikes.
Before Cooking, Trim, The Skin from meat – if you have to use meat, slice away the fat layer gently with a sharp knife. Remove the skin. The immediate layer below the skin houses the most fat.
Avoid Purchasing Minced Meat and use a mincer at home instead. In most cases, the butcher finds it more profitable to sell mince without removing fat from the flesh.
Limit White Sauce And Cheese-based Dishes They are high in saturated fats and oil This can hike up your blood sugar.

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Select more of refined vegetable oils and limit butter, coconut oil – hydrogenated vegetable oil and coconut oil can clog up your arteries.
Make fruit popsicles instead of milk ice-cream at home. The fruit popsicles will get you lots of nutrition and satiety for taste.

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