Exfoliation Of Skin

Brighten up your complexion in an instant with this skincare treat – if you don’t include a facial scrub in your weekly skincare regime, then you’ve been missing out! Technically known as exfoliation, it’s a simple method that whisks away dead cells from the surface of the skin, revealing the plumper, younger ones underneath. It also encourages your skin to speed up cell production, which means that the cells that reach the surface are younger and better-looking. The result is a brighter, smoother complexion – no matter what your age or skin type.

Use Of Exfoliation:
Use an exfoliator on dry or normal skin once or twice a week. Oily or combination skins can be exfoliated every other day. As a rule, avoid this treatment on sensitive skin or if you have bad acne. However, you can gently exfoliate pimple-prone skin once a week to help keep pores clear and prevent break-outs.

How To Exfoliate:
Apply a blob of facial scrub cream to damp skin, massage gently using a circular motion and taking care to avoid the delicate area of skin around the eyes. Rinse the facial scrub off thoroughly and slowly with splashes of warm water and then gently pat your face dry with a soft towel.
Opt for an exfoliator that contains genyler, rounded beads, rather than scratchy ones such as crushed kernels. You could also try a mini exfoliating pad, lathering up with soap or facial wash. You could also gently massage your skin with a soft flannel, facial brush or old, clean shaving brush and facial wash.

Make Your Own Gentle Facial Scrub:
This is a luxurious blend of almonds, oatmeal, milk and rose petals. The rose petals should be bought from a herbalist or if you want to use petals from your garden, be sure that they have not been sprayed with chemicals. The rose petals can be powdered in a pestle and mortar or in an electric coffee grinder. When mixed with almond oil, the scrub will cleanse the face and leave it silky soft.
Makes enough for 10 treatments.
45ml / 3 tbsp ground almonds; 3 tbsp medium oatmeal; 30ml / 2 tbsp powdered rose petals; almond oil; mixing bowl, spoon; lidded glass jar.
Put all the ingredients in a bowl and combine thoroughly. The store the mixture in a sealed glass jar. When you are ready to use the facial scrub, take a handful of the mixture and blend it to make a soft paste with a little almond oil. Apply and remove.

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