Choosing A Fitness Regime

Which Is The Best Time To Exercise:

Your body’s clock and rhythm determine whether you are a night owl or an early bird. There is nothing that you can do to change it. Just like the earth’s rhythm, our body too has a rhythm and it depends on functions such as blood pressure, hormone level, body temperature and heart rate. They all play a vital part in your body’s readiness to exercise. Use your body clock as a guide to when you should go to the gym for exercise or go for a walk. There are other factors too that depend on the time for exercise, such as family obligations, work schedules or a buddy’s availability to take a walk with you. If you are having problems with consistency, then the best time to exercise is the morning, as you tend to exercise better in the mornings. Morning exercise proves that the early routine makes one more alert and energetic on the job. But yet, people find the popular time for exercise is the hour just before they have their evening meal. The late afternoon workout typically provides a welcome change of pace at the end of the work day. Also, it helps dissolve the day’s worries and stress.

That is the time of the day when the body pressure is lower and therefore you allow yourself more time to warm up than any other part of the day. And also there is no other schedules or work pressure which you have to squeeze in early in the mornings. So, to have a good workout during the mornings, an early night is advisable. If you find that early morning is not the best time for you to exercise, then you can exercise after work. Some people find it easier to exercise later in the day as they rush for work and other chores in the early part of the mornings. Exercising maybe at lunch time when they can get co workers to join them is another good option. Eat after a workout not before. It is suggested not to exercise straightaway after a meal, if you do so, the blood that is required to go to your muscles go to the digestive tract. Eat two hours before exercise time.

If time consistency cannot be followed for exercise, then exercise whatever time you find it convenient. Sometimes exercise during the mornings, then noon and even during the evenings, taking into consideration the kind of exercise you are doing and other commitments. A time will come when exercise will become a part of your daily life if you continue with it daily, making it a habit. There is one fact to remember that there is no reliable evidence to show that more calories are burnt at a specific time of the day. But you can be influenced to exercise by the time of the day.

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