Fitness And Weight Loss – Tips


  1. Whether its structured exercise of incidental activity, moving your body helps contribute to the energy gap necessary for weight loss to occur. Between 45 and 90 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity per day will help prevent unhealthy weight gain and keep you within normal BMI range, depending on your starting point, goals and personal metabolism. Measure how active you are by wearing a pedometer to record the number of steps you take in a day. Ideally you should aim to achieve 10,000 steps a day.
  2. Keep track your workouts. Keep a daily or weekly log to track all of your workouts so that you can ensure that you are progressing in the right direction and keeping your body fit and ready for new exercises. Track such things as frequency, duration, intensity, weight sizes, sets, repetitions and how you felt during and after your workouts.
  3. For two weeks try to give up something like chocolate or coffee. Try taking the stairs instead of the elevator.
  4. Find a buddy to work with you on achieving your goals by joining a class or group of like minded people.
  5. Everyday, tell yourself that you have to achieve your goal and be positive.
  6. Consult your doctor before you start any health loss regime.
  7. Choose healthy oils for cooking and salads. Trim the visible fat from your meat and try to steer clear of pastries, processed meats, biscuits and fried fast foods as they are more likely to contain saturated fat.

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