Make up To Conceal Signs Of Ageing

Everybody gets old and you cant stop the clock from ticking away. With age comes many benefits and drawbacks and signs of these show on the face. But ageing does not mean that you should give up on yourself. There is a way to age gracefully by exercise and diet, there are other ways too for maintaining a youthful look. It means staying fit, using skin care products regularly, watching your diet and living a balanced life. Beauty on the whole can be defined as looking great on the outside and feeling on top of the world inside. So you don’t have to curse old age due to visible ageing marks and wrinkles. Make-up helps you to look and feel younger. There is a change in texture of the skin as you age so you have to take better care of it and one way is to apply make-up the right way. If make-up is not applied the right way, it will seem that you have added years to your face. Here are some basic techniques that will help you to deal better with the signs of ageing which appears on your face. so now, you don’t have to curse old age due to visible ageing marks. Follow the tips carefully and see the difference.

Camouflaging Different Signs Of Ageing With Makeup:
Puffy / Swollen Eyes: The first thing that changes and gets affected with ageing on the face is the eyes and the skin around them. The are the first to show age because they are very delicate and the skin is very thin around the eye and there are a lot of blood vessels around the eye area which make the skin very sensitive. Usually, with home treatments, puffy eyes go away after a short period of time. Get into the habit of using an eye cream everyday, it reduces the swelling and the dark rings under the eye and smoothens the skin to an extent. Many good brands are available in the stores.
Home Remedy For Puffy / Swollen Eyes: Use a soothing eye cream for puffy eyes with aloe and vitamin E, it can help the eyes a great deal.

Wrinkles And Lines: Wrinkles and lines are common as you get old. Nothing works better than foundation on wrinkles and lines. But do apply a primer before hand. It helps to even out the texture of the skin giving it a smooth canvas on which to use make-up. Primer has silicone content which helps it to slide onto the skin smoothly. Next is how to apply foundation. Choose one that suits your skin tone so that blending gets easier. Liquid or cream suit older women better than the powder foundation as powder often dries up and makes the lines and wrinkles visible. To conceal wrinkles and lines, you can use lotions which tighten the skin as it dries. You can also conceal age lines by using a white nail pencil. Using this pencil, draw a thin line right inside the wrinkle to conceal it.
Tip:Opt for creamy formulations – be it foundation, rouge or lipstick.



Make up To Conceal Signs Of Ageing 

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