Makeup Tips For Teenagers

More Makeup Tips For Teens:

  1. Instead of using a lipstick, use lip gloss. So skip the lipliners and lipstick, you can use them when you get older.
  2. Remember this – there is nothing worse than overnight make-up. Make sure to remove the make-up at night, do not sleep with it as that will be harmful for your skin. Always cleanse the skin to remove make-up residue and oils.
  3. If you want a party look which is natural, apply golden on the upper lid.
  4. Colour is very important where make-up is concerned. Use colours which are floral, like a light pink. Bright colours too will look good, but not going over board.
  5. To keep the pores clear and skin fresh, use a gentle scrub daily and a weekly purifying mask.
  6. Always use sunscreen lotion before going out in the sun.
  7. If you want a sunkissed look, you do not have to go out in the sun to achieve it. Use a tinted bronzer. Apply it on your forehead, cheeks, nose and chin.
  8. If you need to define your eyebrows, then go in for an eyebrow pencil which is a shade lighter than your natural eyebrow colour. You can shape your eyebrows, enhancing your looks.
  9. Make-up without a blusher is never complete for a teenager as that fresh dewy look has to be given. Use slight blusher in an outward direction, under the apples of your cheeks.
  10. Buy skin products when you test your skin and find out whether you are allergic to that product or not. If you are, then go for the hypo allergic ones.

Makeup Don’ts For Teens:

  1. Over-dressing will kill the look. So avoid doing so and dress for the occasion carefully.
  2. Do not have chemical treatment done on your hair. At this age, hair is naturally beautiful and chemical treatment will spoil hair texture. But if you wish, you can streak your hair, that is the chemicals do not have to be in touch with all your hair.
  3. Do not overshadow your charm and innocence by applying extra glamorous make-up.
  4. For face care, apply home made remedies and natural packs, do not apply chemicals.
  5. Avoid colours like brown, grey in your make-up or clothing as they will give you an older look.
  6. Do not apply make-up with just about any brush. Use the correct brushes for application if you want to perfect your look.
  7. Do not leave the make-up residue on the brushes after you have used them. Make sure to wash them out.

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