Skincare By Season

Winter Skincare:

Get More Rest:
No amount of skincare products or beauty potions can buy you the benefits of a good night’s rest. Lack of sleep brings about a fall in your oxygen levels, which means it will take your body much longer to renew your skin cells. And the results will be really evident – dark circles, puffy eyes, sagging patchy skin tone and a dull complexion.
Tip: Beauty creams or under-eye serums can only do so much. Try to get at least seven hours of your beauty sleep, if not eight.

Winter Bathing Rules:
While a long, hot steaming shower or bath maybe tempting in winter, don’t indulge in it too often, as really hot water can dry out your skin, caution skin experts. Sitting around soaping in the suds till your fingers wrinkle like raisins, dehydrates the skin. So keep your bath or shower short. No more than 20 minutes at the most. Harsh bath and shower gels can also have an adverse effect on your skin, as some may be detergent-based and could leave your skin itchy and dry. Use a soft soap that is gentle on your skin. People often switch to commercially available ayurvedic soaps withy the hope that these will naturally moisturise dry skin. But these soaps are very harsh on the skin and aggravate skin dryness. There are medicated soaps that can be recommended by a dermatologist after examining your skin condition.
Tip: The idea is to pick products with natural ingredients that cleanse and condition your skin gently. Use lukewarm water to wash your face and replace soap with a moisturising cleanser.

A Skin Friendly Lifestyle:
A healthy skin-friendly diet and plenty of water are a must irrespective of the season, as they are vital to your skin’s health. In winter, of course the consumption of water often reduces. But a minimum of eight glasses is essential to neutralise the dry assault from the winter months. And despite the craving for hot beverages, you would do well to check your caffeine and alcohol intake, as these are dehydrating.
Tip: Increase the levels of humidity in your home by placing bowls of water around or by using a humidifier.

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