Benefits Of Weightloss

More Health-Related Benefits Of Weightloss:
6. Improve Your Breathing: Due to poor breathing habits, most people use less than a third of their total lung capacity. Walking a short distance for an overweight person is like climbing Mount Everest. Overweight people often or mostly suffer from breathing problems. Climbing steps, lifting baggage, or even a simple task like bending over will lead an obese person to have difficulty in breathing. So losing weight is the best option, increase our energy and follow a program for breathing exercises which will bring about a transformation in our mental and physical life.
7. Help You Sleep Better And Wake More Rested: We all have trouble sleeping from time to time. It is known as sleep apnea. This means we must live healthy lives that will make us avoid being overweight. But you can have a better good night’s sleep if you change your lifestyle and food habits. Diet and exercise go hand in glove to lose weight, that too, at a regular time everyday, as exercise and physical activity tires a person out. Eat right too by avoiding heavy meals, follow a standard diet and you will find a change in your body.
8. Prevention Of Angina, Chest Pain Caused By Decreased Oxygen To The Heart: You can prevent or lower the risk for angina by making lifestyle changes and treating related conditions. We know that obesity is associated with an increased risk of coronary artery disease. The heart is the most vital part of the human body. Blood is passed through the heart’s coronary arteries to the heart muscles, which pumps blood out to every part of the body. Sometimes, coronary arteries narrow down because of the presence of fatty patches called atheroma that grow in their inside lining over a period of time. This causes the condition of ‘angina’ in a person. The usual symptom of angina is pain in the heart, mostly while doing some strenuous physical activity or while a person is angry or stressed out. The treatment is to maintain a low fat diet, quit smoking, stop consuming alcohol, reduce weight and exercise till it gets cured.
9. Decreases Your Risk Of Sudden Death From Heart Disease Or Stroke: The morbidly obese are subject to greatly increased risk of sudden death due to heart attack or stroke, which can lead to a shorter life span than a normal weight person. Weight loss will correct or improve hypertension in many. Obesity is a frequent cause of diabetes. In fact, diabetes is present in most of the obese population. With diabetes, comes along many other complications and diseases. Long standing diabetes is known to cause cardiovascular diseases. Too much of fat deposits and cholesterol in atherosclerosis. Though weight loss does not reverse it, it helps to slow it down.
10. Prevention Of Type 2 Diabetes: Diabetes is a disease in which blood glucose levels are above normal. People with diabetes have problems converting food to energy. After a meal, food is broken down into a sugar called glucose, which is carried by the blood to cells throughout the body. People develop type 2 diabetes as they are overweight and have higher levels of blood glucose. People who are at risk for this type of disease should follow a program of healthy eating and physical activity.
11. Improved Blood Sugar Levels: Diabetic patients can prevent or delay complications with blood sugar disease by keeping blood sugar level normal. Various treatments are known for blood sugar control. Treatment with diet control and exercise is most important. Dietary fiber can help stabilize blood glucose levels and improve your blood cholesterol profile. Eating a sensible diet is crucial for regaining blood sugar balance. There are thousands of programs which could preach on how to cut down on calories. But just cutting down on calories will not be of any use and has the potential to cause more harm to the body. If you are on a low calorie diet, your system gets adjusted to it and then it gets sensitive to any change in diet. So at times if for example, you feel like eating a piece of chocolate, the system overreacts and releases excessive amounts of insulin and converts the extra calories into fat. This will make the person fatter. Rather than going on a low calorie diet, it is good to eat foods that are low on on the glycemicindex. Eat fresh, whole and unprocessed foods as much as you can. Avoid carbohydrates and other sugar products and replace with vegetables, beans and whole grains. Eat plenty of proteins. Consumption of cinnamon a day may improve people’s control of blood glucose levels.

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