Yoga Breathing Techniques

Pranayama Techniques:

Brahmari (humming bee breath):

This is wonderful for calming the emotions and mind, bringing a sense of peace and wellbeing; it also helps to tone the vocal cords. The humming sound helps to focus the mind and the vibration created helps to balance and regulate the function of the pituitary gland, which is located in the centre of the head, surrounded by blood and protected by bone. The humming makes the blood vibrate, which in turn vibrates and tones the pituitary gland. It is known as the master gland as it affects and regulates most of the other endocrine glands. The pituitary is responsible for our emotional, mental and physical health and wellbeing. You can play around with the key, making some high, some low. Notice where you feel the vibration when the pitch changes. If there is a particular pitch you like, stick with that.

  1. Sit comfortably with the spine erect, the shoulders relaxed and the eyes closed.
  2. Inhale using the three-part breath.
  3. exhale slowly, making a gentle humming sound.
  4. Feel the vibration on the soft palate at the centre of the head and then feel the vibration moving higher. Repeat for one to three minutes.

To help bring the awareness further within you can apply Yogi Mudra. This is an energy seal that helps to focus the mind and concentrate prana, taking the awareness away from the senses.

  1. Bring both hands towards the face and spread the fingers.
  2. Place the thumbs in the ears, the index fingers gently over the eyes, the middle fingers on the sides of the nostrils, the ring fingers above the top lip and the little fingers below the bottom lip.
  3. Perform Brahmari as before, repeat for about five breaths, release the hands and sit quietly. Notice how calm, still and peaceful you have become.

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