Buddy Boot Camp

Fat – Blast Walks:
Specially crafted walking workouts that will take your daily jaunts to the next calorie-scorching, heart-pumping level. The key to greater calorie burn is adding bursts of effort called intervals. Interval training builds your aerobic engine and busts the boredom in our workouts.
Great pyramids: This speed building, calorie scorching workout, lasts under 30 minutes, but you shouldn’t underestimate its effectiveness. It begins with short bursts of speed, then builds until you hit the peak. Because of all the rapid fire changes in pace, write it down. Pyramids is one of the favourite interval training techniques. Be sure to cheer each other as you exercise. It is tough going up the pyramid, but you can psyche each other up so that the last half of the workout will be the easiest.
Blast off: These high-octane intervals, are great for building up speed as well as endurance. Just pick up the pace in small increments until you are moving at full effort. Recover and repeat. Over time these workouts will help you walk faster without feeling like you are putting in more effort.

Cycle Shape – Up:
A fun, high energy, super cycling workout that promises to give your lower body a fresh challenge, without giving your joints a terrible pounding. Whether indoors on stationary or spinning bikes or outside on real bikes, cycling with a group of friends is always a great motivator for getting through a tough workout. You will always push that extra little bit when you are with friends. The workout, trains your body to recover quickly by alternating intervals of increasingly fast pedalling with two-minute periods of easy cruising. This fast-and-slow training technique is the key to improving your fitness levels and burning more calories every time you exercise Note: If you are outside, find a reasonably flat bike trail for this workout. It’s challenging enough without throwing in extra hills.

Rest Day:
You need a day to rest and let your body recuperate. Never skip this day out of a sense that more is better. time to recover and rest is crucial to any exercise programme. During these down times your body actually builds itself back up stronger than it was before, making your muscles more toned. And our boot camp is intense enough that you will look forward to rest day.

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