Signs Of Dehydration

What Are The Signs Of Dehydration:

To deal with dehydration, first of all, you have to balance the water in the body. Then you have to recognize the problem. When you feel thirsty very often, it is a warning sign. If you ignore these signs, then you will surely be dehydrated. There are some other symptoms of dehydration too:

  1. When the mouth is dry and sticky.
  2. Having dizzy spells and feeling light headed.
  3. Making less urine and that too dark in colour.
  4. While crying, few tears or no tears at all.
  5. Being lethargic or irritable.
  6. Eyes that look sunken into the eyes.

How To Prevent Dehydration:

Water can be great for your health, no matter how much you consume, it does not add calories. So the best way to beat dehydration is to drink plenty of water and fluids, especially on hot, windy days. The amount of water a person drinks depends on factors like how much water they are getting from foods and other liquids and how much they are sweating while they are physically active.

1. Being Outdoors: While being outdoor, wear loose fitting clothes, maybe cotton, and wear a hat to protect yourself from the heat. This will keep you cooler and cut down your sweating. If your throat feels dry and parched, drink water or fluids and sit in a cool shady place to take some rest.
2. Sports And Exercise: If you are taking part in a strenuous activity or sports, the best time to do it in the early hours of the morning or late afternoon as the sun is very harmful and drains a person out. Before you start your game, have plenty of fluids. During the game, have water at 20 minutes intervals and after the activity ends.
3. Avoid Caffeine: It is better to stay away from caffeine during the hot weather as it makes one urinate too much. It is not ascertained whether it causes dehydration but it is a diuretic. Avoid caffeine also during long workouts.
4. Gastrointestinal Infections: If you are suffering from a stomach bug, then you will not feel like having any water or fluids. But to keep dehydration away, take small sips of water at intervals and keep yourself hydrated. Stomach bug makes you visit the toilet very often and that takes away the fluids from the body. For people who find it difficult to consume fluids during this time, ice pops are the best.

When Is The Time To See A Doctor:
If you feel that you are feeling dizzy every time you stand up or feel weak, and your urine output is very less, then it is better to visit a doctor. The doctor will look for the cause and encourage you to drink more fluids. If you think you are more dehydrated than that, and you cant hold your fluids down due to vomitting, the you have to receive fluids through an IV to speed up the rehydration process. It is an intravenous tube that goes directly into the vein. Dehydration can also be caused by diabetes. Dehydration can be prevented and it can be cured too. So drink a lot of water and keep healthy.

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