Choosing A Fitness Regime

Type Of Workout Depending Upon Your Personality:

Are You A Loner / Outgoing Person:

There are various exercise regimes that can be categorized according to the type of person that you are. Some can be solo and twosome activities and you can make a group to work with, such as rock climbing, jogging, etc. Some people prefer to exercise in solo with the help of music, maybe due to time constraint or comfort level. People who trained in a group exercise class were better able than solo exercisers to stick to a regular fitness routine. Couples who switch from solo exercises to shared fitness routines find that getting into shape is twice as exhilarating. The twosome advantage lies in warm-ups and workouts where you can have a safer effective exercise regimen by using each other as resistance and not relying on weights and heavy machines. There are activities which can be performed in solo and also twosomes giving pleasure.

The Various Types Of Solo Activities / Benefits:

Fitness activities in solo are:

1. Running and Jogging: Running and jogging reduces the chances of diseases and allergies like cold to cancer. It is one of the best exercises and is good for the heart and lungs. It is a stress relief and reduces depression, you start feeling more energetic and creative, and increases your stamina. It increases bone density which can fight osteoporosis.
2. Aerobics: Aerobics is good for weight control. It reduces the risk of chronic ailments that include obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, stroke and certain types of cancer. It pumps blood more efficiently and increases blood circulation, also decreasing symptoms of ageing and illness, making a person more youthful. It burns out the fat content in the body, reducing anxiety, tension and helps in controlling mood swings.
3. In-line and Ice skating: This benefits both the body and the mind. There is an increase in strength, flexibility, body composition and muscle endurance. Cardio and respiratory endurance will increase, improvement of balance and coordination of mental clarity will be there and connectivity will get better.
4. Bicycling: Bicycling lessens the risk of a heart disease, giving your heart, lungs and blood vessels a workout. It tones the leg muscles, as it works out the upper thigh muscles, backside and thighs. It helps people to decrease their waistline and losing fat, giving more stamina to the body. It is good for people suffering from diabetes and cancer, controls the level of blood pressure, and takes away stress and depression.
5. Kayaking: It helps with the reduction of stress levels and burns up calories very soon resulting in weight loss. It increases flexibility of the body, and builds muscle strength. This encourages one to exercise as a group and gives you a chance to socialize.
6. Alpine and Cross-country Skiing: It helps to burn calories as it involves the muscles in the shoulder, back, abdomen, chest, buttocks and legs. It gives your body a complete workout. It has a lower risk of serious injury.
7. Swimming: It is beneficial for the heart, maintains blood pressure and cholesterol. It is good for pregnant women as well as for arthritis and back pain. It builds body endurance, gives muscle strength and is good for diabetes. It can give comfort in joint pains and helps post surgery patients to avoid muscular atrophy. It regulates breathing and stimulates circulation.

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