Aerobic Exercise Equipments

6. Aerobic Exercise Equipments:

a. Hand weights: First of all you have to choose the weight that fit into your exercise routine as there are various types of hand weights. Pick the one that best suits you. Hand weights can be purchased in different weights, from light weight to heavy weight. It is not like a dumbbell, where weight can be shifted from heavy to light and vice versa. Other types of weights allow you to add or remove extra discs at the end of the bars, but these are very versatile and you can use different weights for different purposes. Weights for walking are sold in the market which is soft hand weights with straps. But it is not advised by professionals to use hand weights while walking as too much pressure is put on the tendons and ligaments and it increases blood pressure. A weighted vest or belt is better to use while walking, if you are able to maintain proper posture and walk at a quick enough pace to keep your heart rate increased. Hand weights come in sets, of various sizes and weights meant for different exercises. You can also buy them in different colors. The hand weights could be made of metal or rubber, and necessary that it has an anti-slip grip so that the weights do not accidentally drop causing possible injury. Buy gloves for weight lifting so that you get a better grip and your hands are protected.
b. Step bench: An aerobic step bench is a portable/moveable step which measures about 3 feet by 1 foot. You can start off with a bench about 6 inches in height, and then increase slowly as the height is needed. Take a stable bench which is well balanced with a non slippery textured surface.
c. Water aerobics equipment: Water aerobics exercises varies in intensity and they can also be either aerobic or for strength giving exercises, it all depends on what you want, that will give you an overall workout in the pool. Water walking is one of the easiest pool exercises as you just walk in the water. The resistance is part of what makes this exercise healthy for you. There are many facilities that offer you classes of walking in the water. These are great for people that need an exercise that don’t stress out the joints neither put pressure on them. Many people that have arthritis water walk as it is a means of keeping physically fit and active. Water aerobics exercises consist of a combination of aerobics, strength training and stretching. It gives the body a complete workout. It is now done in water. These exercises can be done using equipment to assist in resistance. Besides the water giving you resistance, there are the noodles, barbells, belts and board, all made out of foam that are used to add weight or support you while you are going through certain movements and postures.
d. Gloves: Weighted workout gloves are very thin gloves that are put on the hands and strapped around the waist area. Small weights, often between one and two pounds each, are inserted in the gloves. You can manipulate your hands as the gloves leave your fingers free. You can adjust the weight around in some gloves, while other gloves have weights which are sewn into them. Common weight amounts are between one and six pounds, with the weight distributed evenly between your two hands so that there is balance.
e. Running / Walking: People running or walking on the treadmills not only worked harder than outdoor runners or walkers. Running or walking uses more muscles than cycling. However, if your bike is your thing, don’t dump it. Instead, up the resistance and pedal speed so you feel things working rather than just turning your legs over.

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