Unwanted Body Hair Removal

All the same methods as mentioned earlier for Unwanted Facial Hair Removal are suitable for body hair removal, but the larger the area to treat, the more pricey it can become. However there are a number of methods to remove unwanted body hair such as shaving, and also waxing, where the wax is heated, applied to the skin and then stripped away using a muslin or cloth strip, or of waxing strips may also be used. Sugaring and epilators are also used to remove body hair.

Removal Methods:
1. Waxing:
Wax is available in either liquid form, which is heated, applied to the skin and then stripped away using a muslin or cloth strip, or in the form of waxing strips – pre-impregnated strips of strengthened paper. In the case of warm wax, if you attempt to do it yourself, be very careful not to overheat the wax. Always apply wax in the direction of the hair growth to limit the likelihood of ingrowing hairs. Brazilian waxing – which removes all hair from the pubic region – should only be done professionally, due to the delicate nature of the skin.

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2. Shaving:
Shaving is a quick but temporary way to remove underarm and leg hair. Use a shaving lubricant to avoid taking the top layer of skin away. Shaving is a quick but temporary way to remove underarm and leg hair. Use a shaving lubricant to avoid taking the top layer of skin away. However, use a moisturising lotion if shaving, in order to hydrate the skin and also to protect the skin.
3. Epilators:
Electrical epilators use tweezing heads that rotate over the skin, removing hair as they go. Hair is pulled from the root, so it can be painful, particularly under the arms where there are sensitive glands.
4. Sugaring:
Sugaring works on a similar principle to waxing and originated in the Middle East. A sticky sugar paste gips the hair, this it is rolled away, uprooting the hairs. It is thought to be less painful than waxing and is said to keep hairs at bay for longer, usually upto eight weeks. You can buy pre-made sugaring preparations from beauty supply stores and some chemists, but it is also possible to make your own. Sugaring is a method of hair removal which are suitable for large areas of hair to be removed, using a mixture that can be traditionally made at home. This can be made in large batches and kept in a jar. Sit the jar in hot water to soften it before use. It should last for a few months, as lemon is a natural preservative. You’ll need some strips of thick cotton, about 5-8 cm / 2-3 in wide and 25cm / 10 in long.
Ingredients: 4 tbsp sugar, 2 tbsp lemon juice.
Simmer the lemon and sugar very slowly over very low heat for a few minutes, stirring constantly, until they form a honey-colored substance like sticky toffee. Experiment to get the consistency right: if it is too thin add less lemon juice next time. Allow to cool a little, then patch test to see if the temperature is tolerable. While still warm, spread onto the skin using a spatula. Place a cotton strip on the sugared area, press it down so that the warmth of your hands helps it to stick, and then pull off. On soft areas such as the calf, hold the muscle taut to prevent bruising.

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