Tips On Choosing A Lipstick

While choosing your lipstick, you should first give importance to – your complexion. The colour you put on your lips changes your appearance instantly. You can change your looks from simple to gorgeous just by adding a dash of lip colour.

How To Mix And Match Lip Colors:
It could happen that the lip colour which you require or want is not available. This is the time then to experiment with your lipstick by mixing and matching two or three colours to get the desired colour and effect. Make your unique colour to define your lips which adds colour and balance to your overall look. You can customize your lip colour and match your clothes with it. It is not necessary to wear the same old lip colour everyday, try and be adventurous and make your lip colour more exciting. Based on the situation and occasion, you can choose a range of pinks to oranges, reds, browns. No need to restrict on colours.

How To Choose Lip Color:
The choice of your lip colour depends on several factors, also including the colors of the clothing you are wearing. Your lipstick should not clash with your clothes, in fact, it should compliment it. There are some popular brands available and the most popular lipstick colors are: plum, fever, skin tone, red, pink and neutral. Other important factor is the occasion and dress style. For casual wear natural colors like pink and beige would be most appropriate while deeper colors such as dark reds would be preferable for a party or formal events. It is only after you have decided on what colour to use, try it on your lips and test the color in natural light, it might suit you and if it does not, try another colour.
1. Pink: This colour emphasizes facial features. If you have thin lips or sharp nose avoid such colours. It also emphasizes all red skin tones. Pink lipstick suits blonde women.
2. Orange: Looks great on warm skin tones, but if the skin is very pale and fair, orange will emphasize this feature. Too much of orange can make skin look gray and aging. Depending on their colour shade, redheads can use this colour. If the red color is very bright, try not to use a bright orange shade for your lips as it will contrast with the hair.
3. Red: This colour has similar characteristics as the pink lipstick, but this is a much warmer color and it has a more effect, adding shine. Using red lipstick needs confidence and it matches all hair colours. If you are a blonde, use dark red lipstick and use light shades of red if you are brunette.
4. Brown and gold shades of lipstick: It gives a dramatic look. You have to be aware that dark lipstick colors thickens the lips and can add some more years to your age, making you look older than usual. Also, a brown or gold lipstick matches any hair color.

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