Post Exercise Care

More Cooling Down Exercises:

Cooling And Relaxation Sequence:

The type and sequence of the cooling down are as follows:

3. Forward Roll Down: Stand straight and relaxed. Keeping the legs straight, slowly bend forward. Start progressively from the head, neck, shoulders, upper back and down from the lower back. Imagine each vertebra of the spine rolling off forward one by one from the neck down to the lower back. Slowly let your breath out while going down. Thereafter just let your arms and upper body go loose and hanging while keeping the legs straight and keeping the balance of the body. Feel the stretch in the back and the hamstrings and stay in the position for about 30 seconds. Come up the same way, breathing in while you do. Remember not to bounce up and down while hanging down.

4. Thigh Stretch: Stand in front of a tree or a pole from which you can take support from falling backwards. Place your feet apart to about three times the width of your shoulders. Keeping your body upright and right foot flat on the ground, bend your right knee and sit to the right on your right heel. At the same time let your left leg extend sideways to your left keeping the knee straight with the rear of your left heel touching the ground and the toes pointing upwards. Stay in this position for about ten seconds and feel the stretch in your hamstrings and calves. Now shift your weight from your right to your left and sit on your left heel in the same manner while extending the right leg sideways to the right. Alternate the stretch a few times between the left and the right legs.


Post Exercise Care – More Cooling Down Exercises 

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