Skincare By Season

Autumn Skincare:

Autumn is the time when your summer tan fades and you need to make changes to your summer skincare regime. There is a crispness in the air and although the sun is not very harsh and strong you still need to use a sunscreen and moisturiser regularly. Follow a few guidelines and you could have problem-free skin all through the season.

Post summer skin looks dehydrated and sallow, and exfoliation is extremely important as it gets rid of the dead damaged cells. This step will prepare the skin to absorb more moisture and nutrition. You could go for professional exfoliation methods such as peeling. Sensitive acne-prone skin needs professional chemical peeling whereas normal to dry skin types do well with dermabrasion. You can have home treatments with products that contain light peeling properties such as those which include Alpha Hydroxy Acids, Glucosamine, Retinol or Retinoids. These products allow daily skin renewal and fresh younger skin is seen.

Hot summer causes dehydration, and thereby wrinkles and fine lines appear on the skin. The moisture lost needs to be properly supplemented before the onset of winter. Moisturise at least twice daily after cleansing. Dry, normal and combination skin types may use a light oil free liquid or gel moisturiser. For drier skin types, choose a thicker cream based moituriser meant for dry skin. Along with your facial skin you need to take care of your body also. Be sure to take short warm baths and apply moisturiser onto your damp skin.

Intensive Skin Treatments:
Intensive skin treatments come in the form of serums or concentrated emulsions and should be done on damaged skin once or twice in a year. Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Flavonoids and Retinoids (Synthetic Vitamin A) are good treatments to reverse sun damage and improve skin tone. Some moisturizers also come with Vitamins. For a better effect use both – apply serum under the moisturizer either twice daily or as a night repair treatment. You can also go for at-home treatments using masks and packs. Skin lightening treatments are very popular during Fall. For using masks, you need to exfoliate your skin (Do not exfoliate more than twice a week), and prepare it for treatment.

Sun Protection:
Although the Autumn sun is not as strong as it was in summer, it is still necessary for you to use your sunscreen regularly. A sunscreen with SPF of at least 15 is required in Autumn. Patch dryness, eczema and psoriasis, seborrhea and pityriasis rosea can start to flare. Even oily skin needs a moisturiser to keep oil production at bay, so use oil-free liquid moisturisers. If you have “sun spots” on your skin as a result of sun exposure last summer, you can go for exfoliation and whitening treatments. However, do consult your dermatologist before undergoing any treatment.

Diet, Water Intake::
Summer means dehydration and therefore more water intake for replenishing the moisture lost, but that should not change once the temperatures drop. In fact, you should continue to drink at least eight glasses of water a day throughout the year, irrespective of seasonal changes. This will help you to flush out the body toxins better thereby ensuring a problem-free skin. Fall is a season when fresh fruit and vegetables abound, so you can include Pears, Leeks, Pumpkins, Sweetcorn, Broccoli, Cabbage, Carrots, Blackberries, Grapes, Plums and Raspberries to provide Vitamins C, B, E and A, Iron, Zinc, Calcium, Potassium, Bioflavonoids, Omega-3 Fatty acids etc.

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