Winter Hair Care

The dry and cold winter can be very damaging to your hair. The weather makes the hair very dry with the indoor heating and the dry weather outside. The environment can have some of the most damaging effects on hair in both summer and winter, but in winter it’s often worse because people generally don’t take as many precautions to protect their hair. Sun exposure with the heavy winds as well as rain, snow can altogether can create some pretty bad winter hair days. It makes sense to take steps to protect it so that it stays soft, silky and strong throughout the winter months.

Winter Hair Care Tips:

  • Wear a scarf, hat or cap to protect your hair from the cold and wind, but make sure that it’s not so tight that it will restrict circulation in your scalp.
  • Use a conditioner daily. Once you have your hair moist, lock in the moisture by running your hair through cold water, this will also give your hair an extra shine.
  • Using hot oil can be an effective measure towards protecting your hair in winter. You can try using a natural hot oil solution like jojoba hot oil treatment for your hair and it can excellently re hydrate your dry hair.
  • Static energy remains very intense during wintertime. If your hair is charged with static, brushing your hair can pose a very big problem. Static causes huge damage even with ‘static free’ brushes. Rub a dryer softener sheet over the brush, which can greatly detangling your hair.
  • If your hair tends to become too dry during winter, try opting for a hair repair mask, which will help you replenish your hair to a great extent.
  • Some intensive home made conditioners can also combat the winter dryness of hair.
  • Avoid using hot rollers and ironing your hair. Before using hot styling equipments apply a leave-in moisturizer. Styling products with the words ‘Replenish’ written on it are meant to moisture your hair.
  • Nourish tresses with the right food. What better way to combat Old Man Winter than with Mother Nature? Natural, intensive moisturizers like aloe, jojoba or avocado oils, and shea butter (found in moisturizing shampoos and conditioners) can hydrate and revitalize the driest strands. When added to products, these ingredients can help avoid that squeaky-clean feeling, a sure sign that your hair is overly dry.
  • You may also apply hair serum on your hair. Naturally produced sebum in the sebaceous glands under the scalp, nourishes the scalp and hair. But in winter season your hair needs external serum treatment. Apply the serum on the hair that nourishes the hair. Take two to three drops of the serum readily available in market, and apply on each strand when the hair is wet, slightly blow-dry the hair.
  • To reduce the drying effects of central heating, place large bowls of water near the radiators or use humidifiers.
  • In damp weather, apply a mousse, gel, or hair spray, they are invaluable for keeping a style in place and giving some degree of protection.
  • Limiting use of hair accessories such as rubberbands, barrettes, etc. as they can lead to breakage.
  • Dandelion, peppermint, lemon, or ginger tea is very good for your health and your hair especially in winter. Your overdried hair will certainly benefit from aromatherapy and essential oils for hair growth.
  • In winter longer nights and climate change subconsciously affect person’s mood and feelings. That’s why many people, especially in northern European countries usually get depressed and lose optimism in winter. As a result, they experience emotional strains and even stress more often. And stress is one of the main culprits of hair loss. So no matter how hard it is, relax, cheer up and be more to life.Winter Hair Care – Homemade Remedies 

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