Natural Hair Treatment

Scalp Massage For Common Hair Problems:
For a therapeutic head massage, warm the oil in the palm of your hand and apply it to the top of your head. Using the pads of your fingers make circular strokes across your scalp with medium pressure. Work methodically from the front to the back, covering the whole head. When you have finished, cover your head and leave the oils for as long as possible to sink into your hair and scalp.
i. Greasy hair: Massage stimulates the sebaceous glands to work properly and help prevent the hair follicles from clogging up with sebum. Jojoba oil helps to regulate over productive sebaceous glands. For hair washing, use mild shampoos and avoid washing too often.
ii. Dry hair: Massage, combined with regular hot-oil treatments, is ideal for conditioning and moisturizing dry hair. Ideally leave the oil in overnight. Avoid hair products that contain isopropyl or ethyl alcohol, which dry the hair.
iii. Hair loss: Massage will have a stimulating effect, speeding up the delivery of nutrients to the roots and hair shaft and encouraging new hair growth.

Benefits Of Natural Hair Treatments:
Commercial hair care products may work to a certain extent, however a more holistic approach is required if we are to achieve the strong, lustrous hair that most of us long for. Strong hair growth is closely related to our general state of health and also to diet and fitness. In some cultures people do not shampoo their hair but use other treatments such as oiling or just washing with water. It is true that when left alone the hair reaches a point of homeostasis where it is protected by its natural oils and there is no need for soap. Frequent hair washing is actually damaging to their hair. It strips it of all its natural oils and dries out the scalp. This stimulates the sebaceous glands to produce more oil to compensate, which then leads to greasy hair and more hair washing. Hairdryers and heated styling devices also have a damaging and drying-out effect on the hair so it is best to leave it to dry naturally. there may be some risks associated with using chemical dyes or other products on the hair, as they can be absorbed into the bloodstream through the scalp and could be toxic for the body. There are many plant or vegetable bases dyes and natural treatments available that do not pose this risk.


  • Treatments can be applied more thoroughly to the hair by using a wide-toothed comb. This ensures it is applied from root to tip.
  • Once you have applied a conditioning treatment to your hair, wrap your hair in a warm towel. Then lie back and relax for 20 minutes or so, to allow the treatment plenty of time to work.
  • Warm the oil in the palm of your hand on a radiator before applying it. Heated oil is more easily absorbed by the hair and scalp and is more pleasant to apply.
  • Many natural hair treatments can be made safely, economically and simply at home. Fresh herbs are most effective and a wide range of beautifully scented herbs are easy to grow in pots and window boxes.
  • Use a natural hair rinse after shampooing to treat and gently fragrance your hair.

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