Pregnancy Massage

Aromatherapy Treatments For Common Ailments During Pregnancy:
Pregnancy can be one of the most exciting and fulfilling times of a woman’s life. The joy of bringing another human being into the world created a tremendous feeling of contentment and anticipation, but it is also a time of great physical and emotional upheaval. Together with the ever-important trio of exercise, good diet and rest, essential oils can plan an important role in helping a woman cope with the stresses of nine months of pregnancy, the pain of labour and post-natal recovery.

Oils To Avoid During Pregnancy: The following oils should be avoided during pregnancy (particularly the first five months) because of their strong diuretic properties or tendency to induce menstruation:

Bay, basil, clary sage, Comfrey, Fennel, Hyssop, Juniper, Marjoram, Melissa, Myrrh, Rosemary, Thyme, Sage.

Use all essential oils in half the usual quantity during pregnancy and take extra care in handling them. Ensure that the oils you are using are pure essential oils, as adulterated blends or synthetic oils can sometimes have less predictable effects. If you have a history of miscarriage you could also avoid chamomile and lavender for the first few months, although in general these are excellent oils for pregnancy. Because of their potentially toxic nature and strong abortive qualities the following oils should never be used except by a qualified aromatherapist, and must be avoided during pregnancy.

Recommended Oils For Pregnancy:
Chamomile, geranium (in low doses), Lavender, Lemon, Neroli, Orange, Rose and Sandalwood.

Common Ailments:
Surging hormone levels and changes in your swelling body can bring a host of discomforts, many of which can be alleviated by aromatherapy treatments and other simple steps.

1. Backaches: The lower back region takes a lot of strain during pregnancy, and will benefit from firm massage with four drops each of lavender and sandalwood in two tablespoons of base oil. Six drops of lavender in the bath will help to soothe away the aches.

2. Morning Sickness: Eat little and often during the day, avoiding junk food and heavy meals late at night. Choose fresh foods which are free from preservatives or chemicals. Try herbal tea infusions such as chamomile, peppermint or orange blossom, which are good for the digestion.

3. Heartburn: Avoid heavy meals and particularly rich, spicy foods. Peppermint tea infusions help, and you can rub the solar plexus with a blend of two drops each of lemon and peppermint essential oils on one tablespoon of base oil.

4. Sore Breasts: These need extra care and attention during pregnancy as they expand. Use a gentle massage oil with rose and orange, three drops of each in one tablespoon of sweet almond oil, or if breasts are swollen, make a cool compress using rosewater and place over the breasts while having an afternoon rest. Sweet almond oil on its own is excellent for sore, cracked nipples during breast-feeding. Never use pure essential oils on the breasts during this period as they can be easily transferred to the baby while feeding.

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