Spa Party Treatments

6. Spa Party Treatments:

VI. Fitness Treatments:

i. Yoga:
You can also include simple yoga sessions in between therapies to improve and maintain physical fitness and stamina, and also ease minds of stress and anxiety, and aid in relaxation and make everyone more comfortable and balanced. Keep handy adequate yoga accessories such as yoga mats, yoga pillows, yoga blankets, yoga straps for all guests. You may also buy yoga kits for all guests and give them away as party favors if your budget allows. You may make use of year-end sales and discounts. Do not forget to adequately warm up and also cool down before and after your yoga session.
a. Yoga Asanas To Stimulate Circulation Without Exhausting The Body: These are simple yoga postures which will not exhaust you. The high-energy forms of yoga give your complexion a healthy boost that lasts long after you’ve showered and cooled down, but yoga’s range of asanas includes several that stimulate circulation to the head without working up a sweat. Hold each of the poses for around 30 seconds, or as long as feels comfortable, and come out of them by retracing the steps described.

Yoga Postures

b. Yoga Asanas To Shape Your Body: You may also include these yogic postures to shape up. Adding some stretch exercise is vital if you want to firm up without adding bulk, as fitness instructors always warn. The stretching element is built into yoga.

Yoga Asanas

c. Breathing Techniques: You can also include breathing techniques such as yoga pranayama which helps us to enrich the blood with oxygen, which is essential for overall health and vitality. Pranayama can restore health and vitality to respiratory and digestive functions.

More On Pranayama and Yogic Breathing Techniques

d. Meditation: Meditation is keeping the mind focused on one point or object. Preparing well for meditation is as important as the meditation itself – if you prepare well you are half done. Practicing your postures and deep relaxation helps you to get rid of tension and relax the body, enabling you to sit still without meditating on aches and pains. Pranayama begins to steady the mind and generates the energy needed for spiritual practices. If possible, have a separate room for your yoga practice. If this is not possible see if you can find a corner or some space that you can regularly use. Decorate your meditation space with inspiring pictures, candles, incense, sacred objects, flowers or seashells – anything that will remind you of your purpose in meditation. Remember, we want to learn to control the senses, so give them something inspiring and uplifting to play with. In that way, the messages they send to the mind will generate thoughts associated with meditation. If you are new to meditation, do a few asanas first to get rid of toxins and tension, followed by pranayama and then meditation.

Spa Party 

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