Types Of Skin

3. Dry Skin: Dry skin is characterized by scaling on the cheeks and tautness. Underneath, the skin lacks suppleness and therefore feels rough, tight and itchy after washing. Dry skin is caused by too little sebum in the lower layer of the skin, and too little moisture in the upper levels. At its worst, it can be flaky with little patches of dandruff in your eyebrows, and a tendency to premature ageing with the emergence of fine lines and wrinkles.

Characteristics Of Dry Skin: 
If you’ve got dry skin you probably never really feel comfortable in your face – it’ll be tight and look dull and grey. It’s often flaky too (particularly around the nose) and develops lots of tiny fine lines which can make you look older than you are. Dry skin occurs when the protective barrier of oil in the lower level of the skin starts to break down and water evaporates from the skin into the air. A number of things can destroy this barrier: it can be genetic; central heating and cold temperatures are common causes; or you can lose skin oils if you’re on a diet too low in fat.
The problem with dry skin is that it will make you old before your time; not only is it prone to natural wrinkling but UV rays penetrate deeper into dehydrated skin, increasing sun damage. Getting those moisture levels back up to scratch is therefore vital for your looks.

Causes Of Dry Skin: 
1.Frequent Washing: Frequent washing removes natural oils of the skin and therefore the skin feels taut. Therefore one should protect the skin with regular applications of a nourishing cream which suits you after a wash.
2.Over Exposure: Certain environmental factors like wind, sun exposure, and overheated homes can also dehydrate the skin. 
3.Hereditary: Sometimes dryness is hereditary – then it is called ichthyosis.
4.Age: As we age, our skin gradually becomes rough and parched.

1. Use liberal amounts of oils and moisturizers. But don’t use a moisturizer that makes you break out.
2. Avoid soaking in baths; 
3. Use rubber gloves while doing household chores;
4. Avoid getting your environment too dry, specially if you are used to air-conditioning;
5. Use cosmetics formulated especially for dry skin, because many other cosmetics may have a drying effect.
6. If all this does not help you, visit your dermatologist.
7. Avoid soap or makeup removal bars and never let water or toning lotion dry on your face – pat it dry with tissue paper. 
8. Avoid water-based products and cleansing simply with water and a sponge or under the shower.
9. Avoid all alcohol-based products.
10. Scrubbing is usually not recommended for dry skin. Instead, once a week use a mild oatmeal soap, which will gently exfoliate your skin without causing irritation. After bathing or showering, do not rub your skin with a towel, instead, softly pat it dry. Apply a natural oil (Coconut Oil, avocado oil) or cocoa butter or shea butter when the skin is still moist, and pay the most attention to your lower legs where skin tends to be the driest.

Care For Dry Skin: 
To care effectively for dry skin means ensuring the products that you use contain no drying ingredients like alcohol or soap. Instead, they should contain ingredients that put something back into your skin. Choose creamy or milky cleansers that will add moisture and leave a fine film that boosts skin protection. If you must use soap, choose glycerin-based ones that also coat the skin.
You also need to exfoliate. One of the reasons why dry skin tends to look dull is that its cell renewal process has been slowed and dead skin cells stick to the surface of the skin. Using a cleanser with alpha-hydroxy acids can help beat this. Apply them everyday for a week, then rest for 1-2 weeks – using them too often can be harsh. In between, use a gentle facial scrub to remove dead skin cells and boost skin tone.
The moisturizer you use can make the difference between dry and perfect skin. Moisturizers use two types of ingredients to hydrate the skin – humectants that attract moisture to the skin and ingredients that help reinforce that protective barrier. Choose products that include both. Look for ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, glycerin or sorbitol (which are humectants) and lactic acid, collagen, petrolatum and lanolin (which are emollients). Choosing moisturizers that are high in water will also help the skin look and feel hydrated. Apply the moisturizer at least twice daily – more if your skin still feels dry and taut.
Finally, as most cases of dry skin are caused by environmental factors, try to minimize the chances of dehydration in your daily life. Invest in a humidifier to keep water levels in the air high and cut the amount the atmosphere sucks from your skin. In winter months, try to keep your skin covered, and apply moisturizer, lip balm and hand cream before you go out. The more water you manage to keep in, the less you have to try to put back.

Beauty Regimen For Dry Skin: 
1.Exfoliate: Using your gentle facial scrub, rub the skin in a circular motion. Concentrate on areas like the nose and forehead. Some scrubs can dry the skin out, so rinse well.
2.Cleansing: Cleanse the skin with a milky cleanser. Doing this after exfoliation will help remove any deep-down grime rather than just polishing the dead skin cells on the surface. Wipe it away with cotton wool; it’s less absorbent than tissue and so will leave more protection on the skin. Also cleanse thoroughly at night to remove makeup. Splash your face with lukewarm water in the morning. You can also start your day with a thorough cleansing routine using a mild face wash which is good for dry and sensitive skins. Avoid gel cleansers as they may leave the skin dry. Even raw milk mixed with gram flour can be used to clean the face.
3.Hydrating Mask: Now apply a hydrating mask. Look for emollient or humectant ingredients in these – or try the following face mask: Mash together 1/2 a avocado and 1/4 cup honey and apply to your face and leave for five minutes before removing with a flannel and some tepid water. Honey and avocados are particularly rich in moisturizing properties.

4.Moisturizing: Moisturizers formulated especially for dry skin should be applied frequently and liberally. Use a heavy moisturizer if necessary. Moisturizers are best applied when the skin is moist, such as after bathing. Gently pat the skin dry and apply a water-in-oil topical moisturizer immediately. This helps trap additional water which is absorbed by the skin. Repeat through the day to prevent further water loss. However in summer it is best to avoid oils. The best way to apply a moisturizer is by patting the skin with your fingers – this helps bring blood to the skin’s surface which will help hydrate it from within. 
5.Massage: A gentle massage with a warm oil once or twice a week is the best way to keep your skin soft and supple. Avocado oil is great for dry skin. It contains chemical compounds called sterolins that soften the skin and leave it feeling moisturized. You can also a add a few drops of olive oil to your bath water to counter itchy skin. 
6.Sunscreens: Apply a Sunscreen daily. A good sunscreen is an absolute must for women who venture outdoors. You may also look out for a herbal formulation that contains moisturizing ingredients like Aloe Vera, coconut butter and herbal oils. 
7.Anti-Ageing Products: At night use an Age Diminishing Cream with vitamin E that hydrates and replenishes the skin. 
8.Special Treatments For Dry Skin: For skin rejuvenation you can opt for micro-dermabrasions and thermal peel facials. 

9.Home-made face-packs For Dry Skin: 
A.Olive Oil And Sugar: Mix sugar and olive oil and spread on skin in a circular motion. It gets rid of dry skin as well as makes skin smooth to touch. 
B.Avocado Face-pack: Mash 1 avocado, mix with 1 tsp lemon juice and 1 egg white and apply to the face. Leave for 20 minutes. Gently massage the pack off your skin and finish by rinsing with water. 
C.Banana Face Pack: Mash 1 egg yolk, 2tsp almond oil and 1 ripe banana into a paste. Apply to your face and leave for 10 minutes, then remove with cool water and pat dry. 

D.Oatmeal Mask: Make a mixture of cooked oatmeal and honey and apply on face. This acts as a very good moisturizer and cleanser. 
E.Honey Mask: Mix 1 teaspoon of egg yolk with 1 teaspoon of honey. Then, add a few drops of the olive oil or the Vitamin E oil. Mix the ingredients and apply this evenly all over the face. Keep this on for half an hour and rinse. Pat dry. 
F.Yoghurt Mask:: Apply yoghurt on face evenly and set it smoothly on face for 20 minutes. Rinse it off with lukewarm water. This is a natural moisturizer for dry skin.

Step By Step Beauty Care: The condition of dry skin is aggravated by over use of soap, detergents and toners. It can also be adversely affected by the over exposure to hot sun, cold winds, and central heating. For these reasons it is advisable to opt for a gentle, nourishing approach that concentrates on boosting the skin’s moisture levels. This will plump out fine lines and keep the skin soft and supple. 

1. Pour a little oil-based eye make-up remover onto a cotton wool and sweep it over the eye area. This oily product will also help soothe away dryness in the delicate eye area, but a little goes a long way. If you overload the skin here with an oily product it can cause puffiness and irritation.
2. If there are any stubborn flecks of mascara left behind, tackle them with a cotton bud dipped in the eye make-up remover. Take great care that the remover does not get in the eyes, but you will need to work as closely as you can to the eyelashes to remove all signs of make-up.
3.Choose a creamy cleanser as it’s vital that your skin is really clean. Leave the cleanser on for a few moments, before sweeping it away with a cotton wool pad. Use gentle upward movements to prevent stretching the skin and encouraging lines.

4. Many women with dry skin complain that they miss the feel of water on their skin. However you can splash your face with cool water to remove excess cleanser and to refresh your skin. This also helps boost the circulation.
5.Finally, apply a nourishing cream to seal in the moisture. Opt for a thick cream, not a runny lotion, as this contains more oil than water, and helps seal in moisture. Give the moisturizer a few minutes to sink in before applying make-up.

The Right Make-Up For Dry Skin: 
1. Choose creamy oil-rich make-up
2. After washing your face, toner, etc, slab on your moisturizer and let it sink in well for a few minutes. This will help your makeup glide on and blend much better and will avoid your skin drying out. Try a moisturizer with SPF – the sun is very drying to the skin.
3. Then choose a natural looking light foundation formulated especially for dry skin. Make sure that your foundation is oil-based for dry skin. Avoid Matt foundation as it leaves fine lines on face. Foundation lasts longer on dry skin than on any other skin types.
4. While doing your eye make up use cream eye shadows for your eyes.

Top 5 Tips For Dry Skin: 
1.Only cleanse your skin once at the end of the day. This will remove dirt and grime but will prevent further drying. In the morning, a splash of water and some moisturizer are all you need.
2.Exfoliation is essential for dry skin. When choosing your facial scrub, avoid any made from seeds or salt – these can have sharp edges which may tear dry skin, increasing moisture loss.
3.Never expose your skin to really hot water. It dries out parched skin.
4.Never dry your skin completely. One of the best ways to hydrate dry skin is just to pat it with the towel after washing, then apply moisturizer to seal in that extra moisture.
5.Increase your intake of oily fish or take a supplement of essential fatty acids. One of the main tell-tale signs of deficiency of these essential nutrients is dry, flaking skin.

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