12 Ways To Up Your Fitness Level

9. Get Friendly With Your Veggies: Before your lunch or dinner, make sure you eat a big salad. Not only does it check the number of calories you consume during the meal, it helps avoid hunger pangs, and keeps you from binge eating. So what kind of salad can one have? The more colourful your salad, the better it is, green leafy vegetables, cucumber, capsicum, red tomatoes, pink onions, egg whites, yellow bell peppers, more colour equals more nutrient value. You can add lemon juice or other spices for taste. But stay away from creamy seasonings.

10. Invest Seven Minutes As You Dig Into A Wholesome Breakfast:
How many of us grab breakfast while we are running out of the house? Or even worse, just ignore that most important meal of the day? Chances are a lot of us are guilty of having done that pretty often. However it is one of the worst things you can do for your body. It is important to spend at least seven minutes a day on eating breakfast. Eating a proper breakfast is what kicks off your metabolism first thing in the morning, and it is extremely important to have that meal within an hour of waking up.

11. Pick Your Drinks Carefully:
Ditch that soda to begin with, even if it is diet. It may have no calories, but it has a whole lot of other stuff that is doing more harm than good for your body. Healthier options include fresh lime with salt, orange juice, green tea, and even hot lemon water with a little honey. Even if you are out drinking, make sure the drink you pick is low on calories. For instance, have your vodka with water and lime juice, instead of the usual calorie-infested soda.

12. Plan Your Meals:
There is no point in eating a plateful of something that will register its presence in your system for precisely 30 minutes, and then you will be rummaging through the food cupboard to look for grub. For your main meal, pick foods that help you feel full for longer. Choose from various salads, yoghurt, eggs, oats, mixed vegetables and anything which is high on fibre content.

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