Spa Therapies Of India

Yoga (Union or ‘Oneness’) And Meditation(Contd.):

There are many forms of asanas but standing and sitting postures are most frequently practised. Here are some simple standing postures that you may practise at home:

1. Tadasana: Tadasana is used as a beginning for many other asanas. It is excellent for those with bad posture as it helps to extend the vertebrae, strengthen the spinal muscles and align the skeleton correctly. Begin by standing tall with your feet together, arms by your sides. Bring your awareness to the base of your feet while distributing your weight evenly. Without lifting your feet, lift your calves, kneecaps and thighs towards your hips so that your leg muscles are tightened. Draw your buttocks under and your abdomen in slightly. You will feel your spine extending up above your hips. Relax your shoulders backwards and downwards so that your chest expands. Inhale and exhale using deep, slow breaths to expand your chest completely. Now focus on your arms in the same way, extending your energy focus through arms and fingers.

2. Vrksasana: Vrksasana stretches and strengthens the feet and leg muscles and helps you develop balance. Besides improving concentration, it also soothes your mind and nervous system. Stand in tadasana. Bend your right foot so that it is placed on your left thigh and locked in. Open up your hip so that your right knee is moved as far back as is comfortable. Centre your body weight and place your hands together, as if in prayer, before your heart. Drop your shoulders and hold them back, relaxing your face and opening your chest. Breathe deeply and hold for 10 breaths. Exhale and release your right leg, then repeat on the other side.

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3. Virabhadrasana: Virabhadrasana is a dramatic posture that helps lengthen and tone your spinal muscles while developing your nervous system. Stand in tadasana. Place your feet 1.2m (4 ft) apart. Turn your left foot out 45 degrees and your right foot out 90 degrees. Inhale, lifting your arms above your head and lifting your waist. Turn your body and hips to the right so that you are facing the same direction as your right foot. Exhale while bending your right knee at a right angle to the foot. Your left foot should be extended straight behind you. Rotate your left hip forward so that it is parallel to your right foot. Bring your palms together above your head and focus on the extension of your spine above your hips. Keep your eyes up, focus on your hands, and slow down your breathing. Breathe deeply and feel your chest expand. Relax, hold for five breaths and release. Repeat on the other side.

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